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Advantage of DES e-paper display

Number of visits: Date:2019-06-11
DES e-paper display technology is a new type of display technology, low power consumption, high temperature and humidity resistance etc. After years of painstaking research and development, DES Display is ready now.
1, Display modes:
1)Black and White


2)Full color mode



2, Advantages
1) Better contrast, up to 1:50
2) Higher resolution, up to 600PPI
3) The operating temperature is wider, -20 °C ~ 60 °C
4) Faster display.
5) Larger size.







Come here to see the great refresh demonstration of the DES display, faster and higher contrast.

DES display has been launched now. Any questions, please feel free to contact us.


TypeInfo: Technical Support

Keywords for the information:DES display  DES plasma display